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Top 3 Ways To Make Dental Care Enjoyable For Your Young Child

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Do you have younger children? Are you having trouble getting them to care for their teeth and to visit your favorite family dentist? Here are some tips and tricks you can try, to make dental care a more pleasant experience:

Call on the support of their favorite fictional character: Let them know that even princesses and superheroes have to visit the dentist. You should also tell them that whether or not it's shown on TV or in a comic book, they all have to brush their teeth before bed as well. You may want to ask a friend or a family member to help you write a letter to your child, from their favorite fictional character. This letter should explain to your child how important it is to brush their teeth and to visit the dentist. The reason you want to ask someone else to help you with this is that even very young children may recognize your handwriting and disbelieve the letter.

Allow them to dress up: Will dressing up like Batman make your child less afraid of the dentist? Does letting them wear a princess crown mean that they'll make less fuss when brushing their teeth? Although it may seem silly and pointless to you, dressing up can help bolster a child's confidence about dental work. Allowing them to pretend to be somebody else entirely can give them the courage to face the strangeness of your family dentist office.

Bring along a doll or stuffed animal: When you take your child to the dentist, bring along a favorite stuffed toy or doll. Ask the dentist to give this toy a dental exam, before giving one to your child as well. They may allow your child to act as an assistant, or they may simply have your child watch the procedure. Most dentists will be only too happy to perform this little bit of playacting, since it can help allay your child's fears as to what the dentist is going to do to them.

Let them pick out their own dental equipment: Does your dentist give out toothbrushes as a reward for a successful visit? If not, reward your child by immediately taking them to the store and allowing them to pick out their favorite toothbrush and toothpaste. Letting them pick out a brightly colored toothbrush and a fruit-flavored toothpaste can help your child view brushing their teeth as a fun experience, rather than a chore. If you hit upon the right combination, they may even start begging to be allowed to brush their teeth instead of you needing to tell them to do so.

You can find more information on sites like http://drdavidrush.com/
