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How To Whiten Your False Teeth

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There are many options available if you need to whiten your natural teeth, including tray whitening and laser whitening procedures. However, these don't usually work on false teeth. If you have a dental bridge with false teeth, or a partial denture, it can be frustrating when whitening products work on all other teeth, but those teeth are a different shade. Luckily, there are options available for whitening false teeth, including those fixed in your mouth and removable dentures. Here are some tips for getting your false teeth as white as possible.

Start With White Teeth

Before you even get your dentures or bridge, you should whiten all of your natural teeth. The reason this is important is because your false teeth will be matched to the color of your other teeth. If you start with dull or yellowing teeth, the dentures won't start out as white as you would like. Instead, ask your dentist if you can first get a professional whitening done on your teeth, so that you get a beautiful, white set of false teeth.

Brush With Baking Soda

While whitening toothpaste works to whiten your natural teeth, it won't make any sort of difference on your false teeth. In fact, dentists recommend you not use it if you have crowns, veneers, or partials, because it can damage them. Instead, brush with your regular toothpaste first, then brush with baking soda. Baking soda is a natural ingredient that is great for whitening all of your teeth, including bridges and dentures. It will remove odors and unwanted stains from your teeth.

Get your toothbrush wet, then dip it in the baking soda box. Use this to brush your false teeth for at least a minute or so, then rinse with warm water. 

Soak Your Dentures

If you have partials or a full set of dentures that are removable, you can also try soaking them. The first product that can whiten dentures is vinegar. Dilute it so there is slightly more water than vinegar, and put your dentures in the mixture to soak them. Soak for several minutes, then remove them. Dip your toothbrush in the vinegar solution and brush the dentures with it. Rise them with warm water once you're done to you get all the vinegar off.

Another way to whiten your dentures by soaking is with denture soak. This is specially formulated to keep your dentures clean, but it also helps to prevent stains. It is a good idea to get in the habit of soaking your dentures each night before bed.

Visit Your Dentist

If you are still struggling with stains on your false teeth, ask a dentist like Nittany Dental Associates what other options they have. They may have recommendations for cleaning them further, or will send your dentures in to the lab to have them permanently whitened.
