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4 Ways To Soothe An Aching Tooth While Awaiting Your Dental Appointment

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Whether you need a root canal or tooth extraction, waiting for in pain for your appointment is not fun. Toothaches cause sensitivity in the mouth and can be a major distraction. Depending on your tooth problem, you may have a constant throbbing pain or a shooting pain. Either way, tooth pain is not easy to live with. However, there are some home remedies that can help ease your pain, so you don't suffer while awaiting your dental appointment.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties that can not only ease pain, but also fight infection and reduce gum inflammation and swelling. You can place a dab on tea tree oil directly on the sore area in your mouth once or twice a day until the pain subsides and the area heals, or until you go in for your dental procedure. 


You may be wary of using salt to reduce pain because everyone knows you shouldn't rub salt into wounds. Ouch! But if you use salt at the first sign of a pain, you can nip that toothache in the bud. Just a pinch of salt applied to the affected area can sooth the ache and calm down sensitivity. You can continue to use salt to ease your pain until you can get into see your dentist. 


Chewing on cloves helps your mouth in two ways: reduces pain and acts as an antiseptic. You can chew cloves on the side of the mouth that's pain-free, so you don't add any unwanted pressure on sensitive tooth or gum tissue. You can find cloves in a gourmet food store or a local herb shop.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed extract has antibacterial properties and can kill microorganisms that may be eating away at your tooth and gums, causing a painful infection. You can use a cotton swab to dab a drop or two on the affected area a few times a day as needed.

Comfrey Tea Bags

Moist comfrey can reduce toothache pain and reduce swelling. Take a used comfrey tea bag and place it directly on the bad tooth and gum. You can use this remedy can help ease your pain for a day or two while awaiting your dental appointment. 

While these remedies can help ease pain, swelling, and maybe even kill some germs or bacteria, they are not for long-term toothache relief. If your tooth and/or surrounding gums hurt, you most likely have an infection or cavity that requires a dental procedure. Only your dentist can stop the pain permanently with a filling, root canal, or whatever dental procedure he or she recommends. Talk to experts like Dodson Endodontics for more information.
