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Middle-Aged And Considering Braces: 4 Issues That May Affect Your Treatment

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If you didn't get braces as a teenager, you might have thought that your opportunity for straight teeth had passed. The fact is that you're never too old to have your teeth straightened. In fact, many people now wait until they're older to see an orthodontist.

Having said that, there are some issues that your orthodontist will need to discuss with you before deciding whether you're a good candidate for braces.

Gum Health

Before you can safely wear braces, your orthodontist will need to confirm that your gums are healthy. Because gums begin to recede naturally after 40, wearing braces can add to the problem.

In fact, gum recession is a complication associated with wearing braces later in life. Receding gums expose the root, which can lead to tooth decay, infection and even tooth loss. If your gums are receding, your orthodontist may not recommend braces for you.

Bone Loss

Braces straighten your teeth by loosening them from the socket and then realigning them. If you have significant bone loss in your jaw, the loosening of your teeth could lead to premature tooth loss. Your orthodontist will need to determine how much of your bone has been lost. If you have more than 50% bone loss, you may not be a good candidate for braces.


If you have allergies – especially allergies to latex, plastic or nickel – it's important that you let your orthodontist know before you begin treatment. Most metal brackets are made with nickel, and Invisalign mouth trays are made with dental plastic.

In some cases, you might not realize you have these specific allergies until after your treatment has begun. If you experience the following symptoms after having your braces installed, you should contact your orthodontist as soon as possible.

  • Mouth sores that won't go away

  • Swelling in your lips

  • Hives

In addition, should you experience difficulty breathing or swelling in your throat after having your braces installed, you should call 911 immediately. These are signs of a severe allergic reaction.

Frequent Moves

This particular issue doesn't involve your health, but it will determine if you're a good candidate for braces. Moving before treatment is completed may slow your treatment, especially if your new orthodontist has to start over from the beginning. Before you decide on braces, be sure you'll be able to stay put until treatment is completed.

You didn't get your teeth straightened as a teenager. That might not mean that you have to live with crooked teeth. This list will help you decide if braces are right for you. Be sure to discuss your treatment options with an orthodontist at places like All About Smiles Incorporated or any other professional location.
