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4 Reasons You May Need Veneers To Whiten Your Teeth.

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If your teeth are discolored, you may feel self-conscious whenever you speak or smile. There are many whitening applications available to transform the color of teeth. Still, bleaching agents may only work for surface stains in the teeth. However, veneers will give you a white smile regardless of the reason for your dental discoloration. Here are a few instances when veneers may be the best option to whiten your teeth:

Dental Sensitivity

If you have used dental whitening solutions excessively, you may be left with overly sensitive teeth. The sensitivity occurs when the peroxide enters the pores of the tooth and inflames dental nerves. Your dentist may advise you to stop whitening and allow your teeth to recover from the sensitivity. If you continue to apply bleaching agents to a sensitive tooth, your condition could worsen, and you may eventually require a root canal to lessen the discomfort. Dental veneers can safely cover your stained teeth without causing dental sensitivity.

Congenital Discoloration

Sometimes, your teeth can become discolored in your mother's womb due to a genetic condition or due to your exposure to certain medications that your mother may have taken during pregnancy. If your teeth are discolored by a congenital condition, bleaching applications will not change their color. Dental veneers can be affixed to the front of the teeth to make them look white and uniform.

Excessive Fluoride

If your teeth were exposed to large amounts of fluoride when you were a young child, the fluoride may have kept cavities at bay. However, it may also have permanently discolored your teeth. Your teeth may have been left speckled with light spots. However, standard tooth-whitening gels will not remove these spots or make the color of your teeth uniform. These spots would not be visible underneath the veneers.


Discoloration from medications, such as tetracycline, is also generally not affected by tooth whitening.

Large Amounts of Dental Work

Tooth-whitening solutions work by being absorbed into your tooth enamel. However, dental applications, such as crowns or bridges, are not porous enough to be whitened by a bleaching solution. Dental veneers can ensure that the color of your teeth is uniform even if you have had extensive dental work in the past.

If you would like to have perfectly white teeth, dental bleaching may not work for you. Certain conditions prevent a tooth-whitening solution from effectively whitening your teeth. If you believe that veneers may be the perfect whitening solution for you, contact a cosmetic dentist, like those at Bellasera Family Dentistry, today.
