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How To Avoid Braces Staining Your Teeth

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Patients who would benefit from braces often hesitate because of the perceived inconveniences of wearing them. One of the most common claims is that braces leave white or yellow stains on teeth, Although it is true that you may notice some discoloration on your teeth immediately following the removal of your braces, your dentist should be able to take care of it before you head home. More permanent staining can occur, but only if you fail to follow these four basic steps to prevent it. 

Whitening Prior to Installation

In some cases, particularly when the braces need to stay on for long periods of time, your teeth may darken or lighten naturally, with the area beneath your braces remaining unchanged. In order to counteract this, consider whitening your teeth just before your braces are installed. This will keep them at an acceptable baseline while you have braces and make it easier to match tones once they are off. 

Brushing Thoroughly 

White spots that linger after braces are actually areas that have been decalcified, or eaten away by bacteria. Plaque forms when sugars and other nutrients stay coated on your teeth or in the crannies of your braces. These bacteria eventually gnaw holes through the enamel of the tooth and into its core. When you brush and floss, take extra care to scrub every possible surface of your teeth. Brush for a full two minutes, and don't be afraid to be aggressive. You must dislodge all of the plaque around your braces to ensure that the tooth underneath remains healthy. 

Avoiding Staining Foods and Drinks

The foods and drinks we consume play a major role in how quickly your teeth become stained. Coffee, tea, wine, soda and juices are all frequent culprits when it comes to yellow teeth. Highly acidic or sugary foods, such as berries or sauces, also have a significant potential to stain teeth. Many of these foods and drinks are also responsible for plaque buildup, so it is wise to cut them out altogether while you have braces and eat or drink them moderately afterward. 

Maintaining Consistent Oral Hygiene

Typically, all you need to do to prevent your teeth from staining with braces is to brush and floss twice per day. Drink plenty of water to rinse off any foods and drinks you accumulate throughout the day, and rinse with mouthwash for some extra cleanliness. By taking care of your teeth every day, you can get through the braces period without accumulating stains or cavities and emerge with a straight, glowing new smile.  

To learn more, contact a company like Larsen-Haslem Dental
