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Four Ways to Make Brushing Teeth Fun for Kids

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If you have young children, it is important to do your part to instill good dental habits at a young age. Regular brushing needs to be made a priority when your children are growing up in order for them to keep these good habits throughout their lives. Here are four ways that you can help make brushing fun for your kids and an activity that they will be proud of maintaining.

1. All in the Family

If you can make brushing a family affair, your children will keep a routine and can take advice from parents and siblings when it comes to brushing habits and techniques. If everyone is on board with good dental health, there will be little room for children to fall into bad habits or skip brushing. Having good role models can make all of the difference when it comes to brushing and dental health.

2. Make a Game Out of Brushing

If your kids can track brushing either weekly or monthly, your children will be more likely to remember to brush in the mornings and evenings and stay on a schedule. This can be as simple as posting up a calendar with stickers or writing in brushings along the way. You can make this tally even more fun by having small prizes at the end of the week or month. If you have more than one child, have a competition so that all kids stay on top of regular teeth brushing.

3. Find Fun Toothbrushes

If you let your children pick their own toothbrush and toothpaste, they might take more pride in these activities. There are fun electric toothbrushes and flavors of toothpaste you might think seem strange, but your kids just might love. Empower them to choose their own dental tools within reason.

4. Show Off Progress to the Dentist

If your children have been tracking their brushing and flossing, bring this along to the next dental visit. Your children's dentist and hygienist can congratulate them on a job well done and further ingrain the need for keeping up on dental care. It is important that you find a good pediatric dentist that will take the time to be engaging with kids and show interest in their progress. 

Having a strategy in place with your dentist when it comes to your child's dental care is important. The habits that your child starts now will stick with them for a lifetime. Try to keep brushing and all aspects of dental care a fun experience for child that they can take pride in. Contact an establishment like Eden Prairie Dental Care to find out what they can offer your children.
