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3 Ways To Avoid A Sinus Lift Surgery Before Getting A Dental Implant

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Dental implants are a sturdier and more natural looking alternative to a partial denture when you're missing just one or two teeth, but implant success is based on the amount of space in the jaw for anchoring it. When teeth are removed from the top jaw, the sinus cavities enlarge as the bone tissue shrinks. Instead of getting a sinus lift surgery that comes with weeks of recovery, try one of these three options for getting implants without a lift.

Get the Implant Early

The best technique simply involves timing. Try to get the post for the implant placed as soon as possible after a tooth is removed so that the jawbone doesn't have time to shrink due to atrophy. This is obviously not an option for teeth that were removed years ago, but it is the best practice for any upcoming and future extractions due to damage. Some healthy patients can have posts implanted during the same visit as the tooth extraction, while others need a few weeks or months of recovery to make sure there's no lingering infection to threaten the health of the jaw and sinuses.

Try Basal Implants

If you've already waited a few months or years and find out from your dentist that your sinuses have dropped, ask about the possibility of using the long and skinny posts known as basal implants. These implants are better at bridging gaps caused by enlarged sinus cavities, and careful placement may allow you to enjoy the use of implants without going through an additional surgery. The dentist will still need to verify there's enough jawbone tissue left for anchoring the pins, but the thinner design allows a skilled dentist to get a strong connection when there's less bone available to work with.

Place Implants at an Angle

Aside from changing the type of post used for anchoring the implant, your dentist may also be able to change the angle of installation to aim for a denser pocket of bone tissue. Most implants are installed as straight as possible to avoid sheering forces on the post, but careful placement and connection with a strong bone base can prevent damage to the implant. If your current dentist is unsure how to use angulation to get a better fit with less surgery, consider finding a specialist who has worked with patients trying to avoid sinus lifts before. Experience is essential when it comes to installing dental implants in an unusual way.

Contact a company like NYC Center for Dental Implants for more information.
