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Dental Implant Care: How To Prevent Peri-Implant Disease

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Having a dental implant can be a great way of replacing a missing tooth. Implants can help improve your ability to chew and prevent bone loss that usually follows tooth loss. To ensure the long-term success of your implants, you need to take proper care of them. One of the main causes of implant failure is peri-implant disease, a condition where the gum and bone around the artificial tooth becomes infected with bacteria. Read on to learn tips on how to prevent this condition so you can prolong the life of your dental implants and preserve your dental health. 

Daily cleaning

The best way to prevent the buildup of plaque in and around your dental implant is to brush and floss daily. Be sure to clean above and below the gum line and to use a peridex mouth wash throughout the post-operative periods to prevent the chance of infection around the implant.

 Alternatively, you can rinse your mouth with salty water after meals to help flush out food particles and minimize bacteria around the implant while your wound heals. Be sure to use a toothbrush with soft bristles while cleaning your implant, as the crown can easily get scratched and develop tiny dents that can harbor bacteria and plaque. If you notice any tenderness in the gums around the implant, visit your dentist immediately, as this could indicate the onset of peri-implant disease. 

Professional cleanings

Your dental hygienist has a vital role to play in preventing the onset of an infection around your dental implants. Regular professional cleanings using scalers and curettes can help dislodge stubborn food deposits embedded around your teeth and implants, helping to prevent the onset of peri-implant disease.

During the cleaning, the dental hygienist can also check for signs of implant failure such as gum recession and bone loss. In fact, if any part of the implant rod is visible, there is a chance that you are suffering from bone loss. This is usually remedied by deep cleaning the area around the implant to halt peri-implant disease and roughening the implant surface so as to increase the surface area for bone attachment. 

Lifestyle changes

Avoiding smoking after your implants are inserted can help reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth, allowing the wound to heal without any complications. You should also switch to a soft diet and avoid hard foods that can injure the gum immediately after implant placement. 

For more information, contact a company like Gordon Dental.
