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Dental Fillings: Why They Fail And What You Should Do If This Happens

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When you find out you have a cavity, your dentist will most likely suggest filling it with a composite filling. Composite fillings are tooth-colored. They are usually the most cost-effective way to fill a tooth. The downside to these fillings is that they may not last as long as other options; however, there is no filling type that lasts forever. Fillings can fall out, and here are a few things to know about this.

Why do fillings fail?

Once you get a dental filling, the problem with the tooth will be fixed. The dentist will remove the decay from the tooth and will fill the hole with the filling. Over time, the filling can fail though, and this is why visiting a dentist regularly is so important.

A filling can fail for several reasons, but one of the most common reasons is from lack of good oral care. If you do not take good care of your teeth and visit a dentist regularly, bacteria can begin to penetrate in the areas around the filling. Once this begins to happen, it can weaken the filling and the tooth, and this can cause the filling to come loose or fall out.

Fillings can also become loose or fall out from use. If you eat a lot of really hard foods, it may wear the filling down. In addition, if you grind your teeth while you sleep, this habit can be causing harm to your teeth and any fillings you have.

What should you do if a filling fails?

If you have a loose filling in your mouth, you should visit a dentist soon. The dentist will have to remove the filling in order to fix the problem, and there is a good chance the dentist may locate additional decay on that particular tooth. If there is too much decay, the dentist may suggest placing a crown over the tooth instead of using a filling.

If a filling falls out, you will also need to visit a dentist. If you cannot get an appointment quickly, you can purchase a filling repair kit to use in the meantime. These kits contain temporary filling material that you can insert into the hole while you wait for your appointment.

Dental fillings are great products that are very common, but they have limits. If you are experiencing any problems with the fillings you have, it is best to visit a dentist, like Plymouth Valley Dental Group, quickly before the problem gets worse.
