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Protect Your Pearly Whites: 3 Steps to Prevent Dental Problems

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If you have defects in your teeth that make you hide your smile, cosmetic dentistry can repair your teeth and restore your smile. What if your teeth are in good shape and you want to keep them that way? What can you do to avoid the need for cosmetic dentistry? Here are three steps you can take to protect your teeth and prevent the need for cosmetic repairs.

Stop the Stains

If you're eating or drinking something that could stain your clothing, it could also stain your teeth. To avoid unsightly stains, you should take some preventative measures before your teeth become discolored. First, drink from a straw whenever possible. Drinks such as juices, iced tea, and iced coffee can all be consumed using a straw.

One of the benefits of using a straw is that the liquid doesn't come in contact with your teeth. Second, rinse your mouth with clear water whenever you consume something that could stain your teeth. Finally, brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day, and follow this up by rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial rinse. Your teeth will stay healthy and stain free.

Prevent Premature Tooth Loss

Research shows that gum disease is the leading cause of premature tooth loss among adults. However, with the right preventative care, you can avoid gum disease and protect your teeth from premature loss. The easiest way to avoid gum disease is to take care of your teeth. This includes seeing your dentist at least twice a year. It's important to note that there are certain groups that have an increased risk of developing gum disease. If you fall into any of the following risk groups, you should speak to your dentist about additional preventative care.

  • Age—the risk increases for people over the age of 50
  • Smoking—may dramatically increase your risk of developing gum disease
  • Stress—can make it more difficult for your body to fight infections

Protect Against Damage

If you're active in sports, it's important that you protect your teeth. According to statistics, over 5 million teeth are injured or knocked out every year during sporting activities. The same statistics show that dental injuries account for 600,000 emergency room visits each year. To protect your teeth against sports-related injuries, be sure you wear the proper mouthguard whenever you're playing.

You want to keep your teeth looking their best. By following the tips provided above, you can protect your teeth and prevent problems that will require cosmetic dentistry. For other tips on how to protect your teeth, be sure to speak to your dentist. 
