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3 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Child's Removable Dental Space Maintainer

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If your child lost a baby tooth because of an injury, their dentist may have given them a dental space maintainer to keep their teeth from becoming crooked. If so, use the tips below to take care of it while waiting for your child's permanent tooth to come in.

Soak The Space Maintainer Each Night In Salt Water

Keeping the space maintainer clean is important for keeping food particles and bacteria from building up. Along with having your child brush it while it is in their mouth, remove it so they can clean their gums as well as soak the appliance for a few minutes. This can help remove any hidden debris that the brush cannot reach.

To soak the space maintainer, mix together a teaspoon of water and a couple of tablespoons of water in a small dish. After your child has brushed it, place the appliance in the salt water, and let it soak for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then, rinse it with warm water, and place it back in your child's mouth.

Avoid Giving Your Child Certain Candies While Wearing The Appliance

While your child has to wear the space maintainer, avoid giving them certain types of candy. Sticky candies such as caramels could stick to the appliance and pull it out of your child's mouth, which could bend the wires.

You also do not want to give your child hard candies such as peppermints. The hard texture could crack the appliance and split it in two, necessitating a trip to the dentist to have another one made.

Encourage Your Child Not To Press On It

Especially when the space maintainer is new, your child may feel uncomfortable with the foreign object in their mouth until they get used to it. They may be tempted to press on it with their tongue or push it with their finger. However, this could bend the wires or push it out where it could be lost.

Encourage your child to avoid the temptation to play with the appliance. Tell them that they will get used to it soon, and try to distract them from the new sensation by engaging them in their favorite fun activities.

Following the tips above can help you keep your child's dental space maintainer intact until their permanent tooth grows in. However, if you have any concerns or questions, you may want to discuss them with your child's dentist.  
