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Common Complications Associated With Infected Teeth

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Infected teeth are commonly associated with tooth decay and cavities. Without treatment this condition can lead to several complications that range from annoying to dangerous. An infected tooth, also known as an abscess, is not something to be ignored and should be treated immediately.

Pain And Swelling

The most common complication people with infected teeth suffer from is pain and swelling. This may occur as swelling from the gums or extend into the cheeks and other local soft tissue. The skin may become inflamed, be red, and cause the person a large amount of pain. In many cases, a sack of pus may develop on the side of the tooth. If the swelling is not taken care of, it may cause the throat to swell shut.

Fever And Chills

Many people associate fever with illnesses, but it is also a common complication of an infected tooth. As infection develops near or under the tooth, a fever may develop. While it is typically a low grade fever, it is never wise to ignore this symptom as it can become a serious problem quickly.

Another symptom of an infected tooth is the chills. This condition includes shaking or tremors that range from mild to moderate. The skin is often clammy to the touch or pale. The person may feel cold even though they are fully clothed or under several blankets in an attempt to get warm. When an illness is present in the body, the chills occur while the body is trying to create warmth to fight off the infection.

Vomiting And Diarrhea

An infected tooth can create troubles all throughout the body. Some people may find themselves vomiting frequently when they have an abscessed tooth. Others with this dental problem may suffer from many days of diarrhea until the tooth has been taken care of.


An abscess tooth is a place full of infection. If it is not taken care of, the infection can potentially spread into the body. This process can result in a condition called sepsis. Without proper treatment, sepsis can cause serious problems. More commonly known as blood poisoning, sepsis can lead to death if not taken care of right away.

Ludwig's Angina

Ludwig's Angina is typically seen in children with an infected tooth. This condition is a skin infection that begins to develop under the infected tooth and quickly spreads in the mouth. It causes the throat to swell, earaches, drooling, tongue swelling, and mental confusion. When Ludwig's Angina is not immediately treated, it can lead to death.

As you can see, an infected tooth can quickly progress into something much worse if it is left untreated. It is vital to get to the dentist as soon as possible if you think you have an infected tooth. For more information, contact a professional in your area or visit a website like http://www.pikedentistry.com.
