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2 Tips To Eliminate Bacteria Buildup From Your Dental Crown While Wearing A Traditional Bridge

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Dental crowns are mostly used to help protect teeth that have already suffered an intense amount of damage. However, they are also usually installed on either side of a traditional dental bridge in order to offer support to the dental bridge. Dental crowns can sometimes be more difficult to keep clean since they are covered by a dental bridge. This makes it easier for them to collect bacteria buildup and you may experience some tooth decay. If your crown becomes infected with bacteria it can contaminate your surrounding teeth and your gum line. The process to get rid of any oral infection can be long and tedious. Luckily, there are a few tips that you can use to keep your dental crown free of bacteria buildup.

Brush Your Teeth and Gum line After Meals

You may believe that once you have a dental bridge you can feel free to slack on your oral care routine. However, dental appliances are more prone to developing buildup around the gumline if they are left unkempt. In order to prevent this, you need to use a soft bristled brush to remove any accumulation from your gum line and teeth. In many cases, the buildup causes gingivitis but may also seep into the crown and damage it. In order to get the best results, it is important to brush your teeth immediately after eating.

An Antibacterial Rinse is Your Friend

When dealing with natural teeth, people often do not see an antibacterial rinse as a necessity. An antibacterial rinse is best for cleaning out all of the dark areas that you cannot see. The surface of your dental crown is more difficult to see with your own eyes when wearing a dental bridge. However, an antibacterial rinse can seep into these areas and remove any bacteria from the surface. This makes it much easier to keep all areas of your mouth clean. You can make your own antibacterial rinse from home by steeping a handful of peppermint, cloves and lemon slices in hot water. Once the water is cooled, work the rinse around your dental crown and gumline. Use your cheeks to get the rinse from one side of your mouth to the other.

The health of your dental crown is the most important part of a traditional bridge since it is the support system. Therefore, use these tips to make sure that your crown always remains healthy. For more information, talk to a professional like Simmons Craig A D D S.
