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Tips To Deal With A Tooth Infection When The Dental Office Is Closed

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A tooth infection can be one of the worst pains you experience because it seems to encompass your entire head. The problem can be compounded if you can't get in to see the dentist right away because the infection struck on a weekend or holiday. The following tips can help you manage the pain and the infection until a dentist can see you.

Tip #1: Clean the area

If you suspect an infection, you need to do a gentle inspection of the affected tooth to see if you can spot the source of the pain. You may see a pimple-like pocket on the gums—don't try to pop it! This is an abscess, and popping it can spread the infection. Carefully brush your teeth around any visible abscesses, and then rinse your mouth out with antiseptic mouth wash or warm salt water. This will help kill any bacteria so the infection doesn't spread. Continue to rinse every few hours until you can see a dentist.

Tip #2: Check for a missing filling

Sometimes the problem is a filling that cracked or fell out, which is exposing a nerve and leading to pain. Fortunately, you can help alleviate the pain with the help of dental wax. This is sold in drug stores on the tooth-care aisle. Roll a small amount of wax into a ball and then press it into the spot with the missing filling. This will cover any exposed nerves so the pain can subside.

Tip #3: Take an over-the-counter pain killer

An over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen can help relieve the pain. Just follow all label instructions on dosages and frequency. There are also pain-relieving oral gels that are marketed to adults. If you use one of these, do not rub it directly onto any abscesses, as this can irritate the area even more.

Tip #4: Call an emergency dentist

If the infection seems especially bad—a large visible abscess, fever, or a swollen and difficult to move jaw, for example—then it's time to look for emergency care. Your dentist may have a message after hours to refer you to an emergency dentist, or you can simply contact an emergency dentist in your area. If this isn't an option, you may want to visit an urgent care center to at least have the infection treated until you can schedule a dental appointment.

For more help, contact a dentist at an office like Treasured Smiles Dentistry.
