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Three Ways To Ensure Your Son Is As Safe As He Can Be When Playing A Full Contact Sport

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Playing sports can be a great way for kids to get exercise and stay healthy. If you have a child that wants to play a full-contact sport, you need to take the time to make sure that you do everything that you can to protect them. Use the following guide to learn a few ways to help protect your son when he chooses to play a full-contact sport.

Invest in a Jockstrap

When your teenager plays a rough sport, there is always a chance of him getting hit in the groin. Jockstraps are designed to hold hard cups in place that provide his private area with protection when playing the sport. It is best to choose a jockstrap that can be adjusted so that the fit is perfect for your son now and in the future as he continues to grow.

Invest in a Mouth Guard

Take your son to an orthodontist like Cobbe Dental & Orthodontics, to have a custom mouth guard created before he starts playing the rough sport. The orthodontist will be able to create a guard that fits into his mouth perfectly so that he can have maximum protection when he plays. Be sure to invest in a case to carry the mouth guard in when he is not wearing it and get advice on how to properly clean it so that it is sanitary to use at all times.

Invest in Safety Goggles

If you are worried about your son having his eyes injured while playing a game, invest in a pair of safety goggles for him to wear. There are prescription goggles that you can have made if your son has to wear glasses in order to see clearly. If your son needs prescription goggles, you need to order them a few weeks before he is supposed to start playing so that there is plenty of time for them to be made.

Providing your child with the most protection that you can will give them peace of mind and allow them to focus on the game rather than worrying about being injured. All of these options are very affordable and give your child the protection that they need to stay safe during the roughest of sports. The team that he plays for should provide him with padding and any helmets that are needed at first. You may want to invest in a separate helmet later on down the road if you are worried the helmet that he has is not going to provide him with the protection you want him to have.

