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Recovering From Dental Implant Surgery? How To Tell If Your Implants Are Failing

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If you've lost at least one permanent tooth prematurely, you're not alone. Statistics show that at least 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. About 36 million Americans are missing all their teeth. That's a staggering amount of people who are missing one, or all of their teeth. While many of those people will turn to dentures as a form of replacement teeth, many others will turn to dental implants. One of the benefits of dental implants is they're a permanent solution to tooth loss. Unlike dentures that are removable, dental implants are permanently affixed to your jawbone, which means they'll look and act like your natural teeth.

Before you have your dental implant procedure performed, you should know that some implants fail. Smoking is one activity that increases the risk of implant failure. If you're going to be undergoing implant surgery, you should quit smoking prior to the procedure. Once you've undergone the procedure, you'll need to know the warning signs of implant failure. Here are three signs you should be aware of. If you encounter any of these problems, you should consult with your dentist.

Increased Swelling

Following your surgery, your gums will experience some minor swelling. The swelling should begin to go down over a few days. If the swelling gets worse, or is accompanied by redness, you should contact your dentist immediately. You may have developed an infection around your implants that will need to be taken care of immediately. Be sure to tell your dentist if you've noticed any pus-like discharge around the gum line. That type of discharge around the implants is another sign of infection that you shouldn't ignore.

Sudden Onset of Pain

Once you've had your implant surgery, you can expect some minor pain during the recovery process. However, once the pain has initially subsided, or once your implant has healed, a sudden onset of pain may be a sign that there's a problem. This is particularly true if you're experiencing a severe, throbbing pain that doesn't go away with over-the-counter pain medication.

Implants That Have Come Loose

Your implants should be held securely in place by the rods that are implanted into your jawbone. If your implants suddenly become loose, or you can move them with your tongue or finger, you'll need to have your dentist take a look at them. This could be a sign that your implants have failed to bond to your jawbone.

For more information, contact local dentists, such as Kenneth Schweizer DDS PA.
