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3 Reasons Why You Should Choose Implant-Assisted Dentures

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Losing teeth due to facial trauma, decay, or age is a reality for many people. Missing teeth can compromise an individual's sense of self-worth, lower confidence levels, negatively affect social interactions, and lend a hollow look to the face.

Replacing missing teeth with dentures is a simple solution, but not all dentures are created equal. Investing in implant-assisted dentures will help give you the most natural and comfortable look possible when replacing missing teeth over time.

Implant-assisted dentures are stable.

The thought of having to fight slipping dentures while talking, eating, or being intimate can be intimidating. Many people shy away from dentures as an option for replacing missing teeth because of the fear of slippage.

Implant-assisted dentures can provide you with the stability you need to feel confident in your dentures. These types of dental devices are anchored firmly into your jawbone with a series of implants. The implants allow your dentures to remain firmly in place, no matter what your daily activities might be.

Implant-assisted dentures are easy to care for.

If you choose traditional dentures, you will have to remove your dentures each night for cleaning. Traditional dentures need to be soaked thoroughly to eliminate any contaminants and remove residual denture adhesive from their surface. This means that you will have to live without your teeth for a period of time during daily cleaning.

Implant-assisted dentures can make cleaning simple. These dentures remain in your mouth at all times, and they can be brushed just like your natural teeth. You won't have to change your oral hygiene routine after you get implant-assisted dentures, allowing you to retain normalcy in your life.

Implant-assisted dentures are built for longevity.

The shape and form of the soft tissue in your mouth is constantly changing. These ongoing changes mean that you will have to replace traditional dentures (which are formed specifically to fit the roof of your mouth and your gum line) frequently in the future.

Opting for implant-assisted dentures instead allows you to invest in a dental prosthesis with the ability to withstand the ongoing changes that occur in your mouth. Because implant-assisted dentures are anchored to your bone rather than secured to soft tissue, they can adapt to any changes that might take place. This allows you to keep the same set of dentures for an extended period of time, reducing your overall dental costs and alleviating discomfort over time.

If you have further questions about implant-assisted dentures, contact local oral surgeons.
