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Here's Why Your Dentist Has Fitted You With A Temporary Crown

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If you've recently experienced damage to your teeth or lost a former dental crown and sought treatment, chances are your dentist gave you a temporary crown. You'll have to come back later to get your permanent crown, and you've probably been told that you can't keep the temporary one forever because it's not meant to last. Why do dentists do this and what's in it for their patients? Read on to find out.


Part of the issue with temporary crowns is that they tend to either be made out of stainless steel or even a kind of plastic. While stainless steel is fairly strong, it's not as tough and durable ceramic.

Temporary Fix

There are a few reasons why initial dental crowns are temporary. The first is that stainless steel typically doesn't last long enough to withstand the day-to-day grinding and chewing your teeth perform on a daily basis. If you stick with a temporary crown, it may break down and you'll need to come back anyway.

In addition, your dentist may use a temporary dental adhesive. Breaking away permanent adhesive takes time and effort, so it's better to use it only when you know that a crown is going to last.

Finally, most people choose crowns these days that are made out of ceramic. This is because ceramic can be made to closely resemble the color of your teeth so that it doesn't stand out and no one will know that you've had dental work with the finished crown.

Permanent Solution

Permanent dental crowns are tough, strong, and blend in perfectly with your real teeth. However, the biggest reason your dentist makes you wait instead of immediately giving you your permanent crown is that it needs to be customized for you.

Permanent dental crowns are designed to match the shape and form of your surrounding teeth and the tooth that was lost. This will give you an even bite so that you don't get the feeling that one tooth is jutting up among the others. You'll look and feel your best with a permanent crown, but in order to make it perfect for you, your dentist will either have to customize an existing crown or order a special-made one for you.

Dental crowns take a bit of time, but their ability to protect and seal your teeth is invaluable. Be patient while you wait for your next appointment and you'll have your permanent solution soon. Contact a clinic, like Pembroke  Pines Dental, for more help.
