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3 Herbal Remedies For Dealing With Your Chronic Bad Breath

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When you live with halitosis, you may always be subconscious whenever you have to speak to someone up close and are wondering if there is anything you can do yourself to help cover up your chronic bad breath. If so, consider using one or more of the following herbal remedies to help you deal with your mouth odor.

1.  Chew on Sprigs of Parsley

Instead of chewing on breath mints and sugarless gum that only mask your bad breath, consider chewing on sprigs of parsley. A member of the mint family, parsley contains antiseptic properties, as well as high levels of chlorophyll that can help neutralize the bacteria that often cause bad breath.

In between meals when your mouth feels funky, chew on a tablespoon of parsley. As an added bonus, eating the herb also gives you an extra boost of vitamins A, C, and K.

2.  Make Your Own Aloe Vera Mouthwash

Another herbal remedy you can try is making your own aloe vera mouthwash. Acting as a natural antibacterial, the juices from the plant helps kill germs that give off byproducts that contribute to your halitosis. The juice also has a cooling effect, making your mouth feel fresher after using it.

To make your mouthwash, boil a cup of water, and allow it to cool for about 10 minutes. Then, add a few tablespoons of pure aloe vera juice, and swish it around your mouth for about a minute.

3.  Drink Green Tea Several Times a Day

Instead of drinking sodas or fruit juices all day that contain sugars that only serve to feed bacteria and worsen your bad breath, switch out a few servings for cups of green tea. Research has suggested that drinking several cups of green tea every day helps to kill certain bacteria that lead to bad breath.

However, do not add a ton of sugar to your tea. If you have trouble drinking the green tea without any sweetener, opt for raw honey, which has some antibacterial properties itself that could help enhance the germ-killing, bad-breath-busting power of your green tea remedy.

While using the above herbal remedies can help you cope with your chronic bad breath on a daily basis, there may be an underlying issue causing your halitosis that should not be ignored. Make an appointment with a dental office to have your teeth and gums examined so that any problems can be treated promptly.
