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Three Things To Do When You Suffer Dental Trauma

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Dental trauma can be much more serious than just the temporary pain -- it can also have long-term repercussions when it comes to your teeth and jaw. Missing teeth, for example, can lead to bone loss, while even a chipped tooth leaves you susceptible to infection. If you have a broken, cracked, or missing tooth, the following can help you manage this dental emergency:

#1: Secure the tooth if possible

If you can find the tooth, your dentist may be able to place it back into the jaw if you can get in promptly. Even a broken piece of tooth can be useful, since your dentist may be able to use the broken piece in the repair or even as a guide for creating a crown. If you lost a crown instead of an actual tooth, your dentist can often reattach these as well, saving you the wait and the expense of having a new one fashioned. Place the tooth in a small container filled with milk. You can also use saline solution, such as that used in contact lens care, if milk is unavailable. Just don't place the tooth in water, since this can damage the roots and kill the tooth. This will only preserve the tooth temporarily, so you need to get into a dental office as soon as possible.

#2: Apply an emergency dressing

Bleeding is a major concern when it comes to a knocked-out or broken tooth. Rinse your mouth out with warm salt water to help disinfect the area and slow down any bleeding. This is especially important if there is further trauma, like torn tissue on the cheeks, gums, or tongue. Place a wad of cotton gauze in the tooth socket and bite down. The gauze will help stem the bleeding while also protecting the socket from further damage. Replace the gauze as necessary until you can get in to see the dentist.

#3: Contact an emergency dentist

You don't have time to wait until business hours, especially if you want to attempt to save the tooth. Contact your dentist's after-hours emergency number, or contact a local emergency dental clinic. They can advise you on what to do, whether it is to come in immediately or to practice short term care until the next available appointment. If there is no emergency option in your area, you may be able to go to an emergency room or urgent care center, as some of these facilities handle dental trauma cases. Call ahead to verify first.

With quick action and proper care, you will soon have your old smile back again. For more information, you can contact dental clinics like Centre Family Dentistry.
