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The Steps Involved In Getting Dental Veneers To Improve The Appearance Of Your Teeth

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Dental veneers are helpful when you want to change the appearance of your front teeth when it comes to length, width, shape, or color. Veneers look natural and they can give you an improved smile. It usually takes a few visits to the dentist to complete the process of getting these porcelain shells applied. Here are a few steps involved.

Determine Suitability And Have A Mock-Up

Veneers can't correct all dental problems, so the first step is to have a consultation with a dentist to see if they're right for you. If your dentist agrees that veneers are a good option, then you'll discuss how many you need and if other dental work is needed too, such as gum contouring. If you're uncertain about how the changes will affect your appearance, ask your dentist if it's possible to do a mock-up. This involves taking a digital image of your teeth and editing the picture to show how your smile will look when your makeover is complete.

Prepare Your Tooth Enamel

When it's time to have the veneers put in, the first step is to prep the enamel of your teeth. A thin layer of enamel usually has to be removed so your teeth don't look too thick when they have the shells applied. Also, removing some enamel ensures a more precise fit. Some enamel may also have to be removed if it has a dark stain that won't come out, or the stain could show through the thin porcelain shells once they're applied. The process of removing enamel may leave your teeth sensitive for a few days, but the sensitivity is temporary. Removing the enamel shouldn't be painful since just a thin layer is removed, but if you find it uncomfortable, the dentist can numb your teeth.

Cement The Veneers To Your Teeth

On the last visit, the porcelain shells will be attached permanently to your teeth. It's necessary to have multiple visits to the dentist for veneers because they have to be custom made at a dental lab to be an exact match for your teeth and mouth. Applying the shells is a careful process to ensure they are lined up perfectly and have just the right fit. They're then bonded to your teeth permanently with dental cement.

Match The Color

Porcelain can't be made whiter once it's in your mouth, so you'll have to decide on the shade of white you want for the veneers and then match your other teeth to the color. This could involve laser whitening your lower teeth to match your new dental work. The result is a blended look that makes your teeth look natural.

Contact a dentist, like Aaron G Birch, DDS PC, for more help.
