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3 Types Of Restorative Dentistry

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Taking care of your teeth is only one thing you'll want to do. Looking your best and feeling it can instantly provide you with a higher level of self-confidence. However, it may be difficult to feel attractive if you have bad dental health. It's imperative to visit your dental provider at least bi-annually. Doing so will allow any issues to be found and a plan for restoration to be set in place.

1.    Dental fillings

One of the more common types of restorative dentistry is having a dental filling. This will allow your dentist to use a specific kind of material to fill the tooth.

Of course, all of the decay will have to be removed first, and this is usually done with a drill. The extent of the decline will determine the amount of work that will need to be done.

For instance, if there's only a small cavity, it will cost less to fill the tooth, and it shouldn't take nearly as long to complete.

2.    Dental crowns

If your tooth is in a more severe and fragile state with a great deal of decay, you'll need to consider getting a dental crown. This is usually a two-step process where you'll go into the office.

The first process will consist of removing any of the decay that has ravaged the tooth. The next thing is an impression will be made, and this will be sent to a dental lab for the crown creation.

You'll need to wear a temporary crown until the real one is ready to put into place. This will typically take a few days, and your dentist will call you to come back to the office for the placement of the crown.

3.    Bridges

One way to get a tooth replaced that's missing is by putting in a bridge to do so. If you only have one tooth that's gone, this will usually require two crowns.

Your dentist will prepare your existing tooth and make the necessary impressions for the crown. You can then have the bridge put in place, and this will drastically improve your overall dental health.

Working with your dental provider and coming up with the best plane to restore your teeth is ideal. You'll be able to avoid an extraction if at all possible.  Listen carefully to the advice of your dentist and then get the best therapeutic treatment to suit your needs!
