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Why You Need To Start Flossing

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According to a recent report, only around 30% of adults in the U.S. floss their teeth on a daily basis, and there are roughly 32% of adults who admit to not flossing at all. Flossing your teeth is certainly not a glamorous event, but it is something that is way more important than most people think. If you are not in the 30% of adults that floss your teeth daily, here are some of the reasons you should consider starting this habit today.

You Will Have a Lower Chance of Getting Cavities and Gum Disease

Brushing your teeth with toothpaste and a toothbrush is a great way to remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gums, but it has limits. Your toothbrush will not be able to reach every area of your mouth, including the areas between your teeth. When you add flossing to your daily routine, you can clean more areas of your mouth. Flossing is designed exclusively to clean the areas between the teeth where a toothbrush cannot reach and plaque tends to accumulate.

If you floss daily, you can keep more plaque off of your teeth. The result of this will be a decreased risk of developing cavities. You will also have a decreased risk of developing gum disease, which forms when plaque gets inside the gum lines.

You Will Have a Lower Chance of Having Bad Breath

When you fail to floss, you fail to remove the plaque between your teeth, and this leaves your mouth at risk for having bad breath. Plaque is sticky and stinky. When you do not remove it from your teeth, it could leave you with bad breath. Flossing can help remove this, though, which means you may have fresher breath if you floss.

You Will Not Be Able to Fool Your Dentist

The other thing to realize is that you cannot fool your dentist when it comes to flossing. Your dentist can see whether you floss or not just by looking inside your mouth. If you floss only before appointments, it will be even more obvious to a dentist, as flossing once in a while tends to leave small cut marks in the gums.

If you currently do not floss daily, you should consider starting. Flossing is as important as brushing your teeth, and it can make a big difference in the health of your mouth. To learn more about this topic, schedule a visit with a family dentist today.
