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Tips For Teeth Whitening When You Have Sensitive Teeth

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Most people want a bright white smile, so they turn to teeth whitening to achieve it. When it comes to teeth whitening, the best thing that you can do is see your dentist for professional teeth whitening treatments. You can opt for an in-office laser whitening treatment or a professional grade teeth whitening kit that you can use at home. However, people who have sensitive teeth may be worried about having their teeth whitened. Luckily, you do not have to forgo having a beautifully white smile just because you have sensitive teeth! Your best option is to get a professional grade whitening kit from your dentist. Use the following tips to protect your teeth from sensitivity issues, while whitening your teeth:

Purchase Toothpaste Designed for Sensitive Teeth

If you're worried that the products used to whiten teeth may cause your teeth to be extra sensitive, one of the best things you can do is buy a high quality toothpaste that is specifically designed for sensitive teeth. Begin using the toothpaste for a couple of weeks before you begin using the professional grade teeth whitening kit, as well as during the period of time that you are using the product. Sensitive teeth toothpaste will help protect your teeth and ensure that you are not bothered, during the teeth whitening process.

Let Your Dentist Know That You Have Sensitive Teeth

When you meet with your dentist to get a professional grade teeth whitening kit to use at home, don't be afraid to mention your worries about your sensitive teeth and how they may react to the whitening agent. Professional grade teeth whitening kits use a type of bleaching agent that makes the teeth whiter; your dentist can give you a bleaching agent that has a lower percentage of peroxide, which is less likely to cause sensitivity. You will still end up with a beautifully white smile, but you won't have to worry about the discomfort of sensitive teeth.

Use a Soft-Bristle Toothbrush

While you are using a professional grade teeth whitening kit from your dentist, your best bet is to use a toothbrush with the softest bristles that you can find. A toothbrush with extra soft bristles is less likely to irritate your teeth and gums, while you are using the teeth whitening agent and your custom trays. Between using toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth and brushing with a very soft bristled toothbrush,you are less likely to experience any issues, while whitening your teeth.

If you're ready to give whitening a try, visit a website like http://www.lindendentalnaples.com.
