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What To Do When You Haven't Been Wearing Your Retainer

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After your orthodontic treatment concludes, you'll be given a retainer. Older retainers used to be made out of acrylic and wire, but newer retainers are often made from the same plastic used for clear aligners. Initially, your orthodontist will instruct you to wear your retainer at all times, except when you're eating. Wearing your retainer constantly will help your teeth set in their new positions. When your orthodontist decides it's time, you will be able to switch to wearing your retainer only while you sleep.

It's very important to wear your retainer as instructed. Otherwise, your teeth may move back to their original positions, undoing all your orthodontic work. If you haven't been wearing your retainer, here are some steps you should follow to remedy the situation:

1. Wear your retainer as soon as you remember.

As soon as you realize that you haven't been wearing your retainer, you should put it on immediately. You'll only make the problem worse by putting it off. Even if you've skipped several days, you may be able to correct your mistake by putting on your retainer.

2. Keep your retainer on until the fit feels normal again.

If you've been skipping days of wearing your retainer, it will probably feel tight when you first put it on. This feeling of tightness may persist for several days, but it should ease as your teeth move back into the correct position. Wear your retainer around the clock like you did when you first got it. Increasing your wear time will help your teeth go back to the right position more quickly. Once your retainer no longer feels tight, you can resume your normal wear schedule.

3. Don't force your retainer onto your teeth.

If you've neglected to wear your retainer for too long, you may no longer be able to get it onto your teeth at all. If you're having difficulty putting it on, do not force it on. You may accidentally injure yourself in the process. Instead, call your orthodontist in order to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. You may need a new retainer or further orthodontic treatment. Don't delay making your appointment. If you catch the problem early, it will be much easier to fix than if you let it go.

Your retainer is an integral part of maintaining your orthodontic treatment. By following these steps, you can correct a lapse in retainer usage. Don't let your orthodontic treatment go to waste; follow your orthodontist's instructions to keep your teeth straight and healthy.
