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6 Common Brushing Mistakes

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By now, you know that you should brush your teeth twice a day to ensure good oral health. Although brushing may seem simple enough, you may still be making mistakes without knowing it. Unfortunately, using improper brushing techniques can harm your teeth.

Here are a few common brushing mistakes you should avoid.

Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard

One of the biggest mistakes people make is scrubbing their teeth too hard. However, brushing your teeth with a lot of force will not get them cleaner any faster. It can actually wear down the enamel of your teeth over time.

To avoid damaging your teeth, brush your teeth very gently. 

Never Parting With Your Toothbrush

It is not wise to get too attached to your toothbrush. After a while, the bristles will get worn-out and will not be able to remove plaque from your teeth as effectively. Prevent cavities and other problems by replacing your toothbrush every three months.

Brushing Right After a Meal

If you eat a spicy meal, you may be anxious to get the strong taste out of your mouth. However, that does not mean you should brush your teeth right after your meal. Doing so can push the acids from the food into your enamel, increasing the risk of decay. If you want to brush your teeth after eating, wait at least 30 minutes.

Neglecting Your Tongue

Some people do not clean their tongues. However, you should understand that food particles and bacteria accumulate on your tongue throughout the day. If you do not remove them, they can transfer to your teeth and increase the risk of cavities. 

Remember to brush your tongue in back-and-forth motions every day.

Not Brushing Your Teeth Long Enough

Brushing your teeth for several seconds is not going to cut it. To effectively remove food particles and plaque, you need to brush your teeth for two minutes. Use a timer on your smartphone to ensure you are brushing your teeth long enough. 

Using Improper Brushing Techniques

The way you brush your teeth matters greatly. If you, for example, brush your teeth side-to-side, you may not clean your teeth thoroughly. Instead, brush your teeth in circular motions.

As you can see, it is possible to make several brushing mistakes. If you avoid these mistakes, you can keep your teeth in good shape. If you have additional questions, you should contact your family dentist promptly.
