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Dental Implant Trouble: Signs You Should Call Your Dentist

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Dental implants have become a popular and successful solution for addressing missing teeth and protecting the jawbone at the same time. Most dental implant procedures are completed successfully and last for many years. However, that's not to say that dental implants don't have some risk of failure. Like any procedure, it's important that you know the warning signs that your dental implant needs attention. Here's a look at some of the things you should watch for and call your dentist about if they happen.

Is Your Implant Shifting?

Once the post has been put into place and allowed to heal, you shouldn't notice any shifting in the post or the crown that's put over it. In fact, your implant should feel and behave like a normal tooth. However, sometimes the post doesn't fully integrate into the jawbone, or an infection or other issue can interfere with the implant's stability. If you notice that your implant is shifting around when you eat or talk, that may be a sign that you should reach out to your dentist for an exam to see what the problem might be.

Are You Feeling Pain?

After the initial implant procedure, you may notice some mild pain and discomfort in the area of the post while it's healing. This pain shouldn't last more than a week or two, though. If you've had the crown placed on the post and it's been more than a month or two since the procedure, any pain in the implant could be an indication of inflammation or infection in the implant site. Whether you're only feeling pain when you apply pressure, such as when you're eating, or you're feeling pain intermittently throughout the day, either symptom is cause for concern.

Are Your Gums Swollen?

Immediately following your implant procedure, some redness, swelling, and inflammation can be expected in the gum tissue. However, this shouldn't last more than a few days after the procedure. If you notice symptoms such as swelling and inflammation in your gum tissue well after the implant procedure has been completed, you'll need to reach out to your dentist. This can be a sign of infection, but it could also be a sign that your body is rejecting the implant. Your dentist will examine the area and help you determine and treat the source of the issue.

These are some of the most common, and concerning, signs of issues with a dental implant. If your dental implant is giving you trouble, reach out to your dentist right away to resolve the problem.
