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Six Mistakes You Don't Want To Make When You Need A Root Canal

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It can be nerve-racking to be in need of a dental procedure such as a root canal. However, a root canal is a fairly simple and routine procedure that you should be able to get through with no problem.

Unfortunately, patients sometimes make mistakes when they need a root canal that can complicate treatment. The following are six mistakes you don't want to make when you need a root canal. 

Being afraid of the pain or discomfort of the procedure

Root canals have a reputation of being painful dental procedures. However, the truth is that root canals are actually fairly painless these days. Dentists will typically use anesthesia during root canals to minimize any pain or discomfort that patients experience. 

Delaying your root canal procedure

Procrastinating about scheduling your root canal is probably one of the worst things you can do. If you need a root canal, it means that an infection has set in within your tooth. This infection will spread until you have the situation resolved with a root canal. 

You should have a root canal done right away if your dentist tells you that you're in need of the procedure. If you wait too long, the decay of your tooth may progress to the point that you will entirely lose your natural tooth. 

Not asking any questions you have about getting a root canal beforehand

Asking questions is important so that you know what to expect during your root canal and as you recover. Don't be shy. Discussing the procedure with your dentist beforehand can give you peace of mind. 

Drinking alcohol or smoking before the procedure

It's generally recommended that patients don't drink alcohol or smoke in the days before they go in for a root canal.

Drinking has a tendency to dry out the mouth, and this can complicate a root canal procedure. Smoking is not a good idea before or after the procedure because smoking can slow down the body's healing response . 

Neglecting to eat before the procedure

You're probably not going to want to eat right away after your root canal because your mouth may feel a little sensitive. This means that it's best to go in for the procedure with some food in your stomach so that you don't end up feeling very hungry in the first few hours after your root canal. 

Failing to make changes to your oral hygiene regime

If you have a root canal, it means that you've experienced tooth decay. This is a sign that your oral hygiene practices have not been adequate to maintain healthy teeth. You should therefore change your dental hygiene practices when you need a root canal and start brushing and flossing more often. 
