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3 Benefits Of Dental Crowns

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If one or more of your teeth is damaged or discolored, you may be wondering what you can do to fix the issue as soon as possible. After consulting with a dentist about various options, many people find themselves opting for dental crowns. If you don't have experience with dental crown procedures and are looking to improve your oral health, take a look below at just three of the biggest benefits that dental crowns have to offer.

An Improved Appearance

One of the most noticeable benefits of dental crowns is the way in which they completely and immediately improve your appearance. A discolored incisor can be unsightly and cause a person to hide their smile. This can result in further anxiety and lack of confidence because of a single tooth. Fortunately, dental crowns can effectively replace teeth that you are self-conscious about, leaving you with a smile that you're not afraid to show. Best of all, your appearance remains natural with dental crowns, as they are virtually indistinguishable from real teeth. If you are looking for cosmetic improvements, dental crowns may be the perfect fit for you.

Better Structural Support

When a dentist identifies structural damage in a tooth, they may advise the patient to undergo procedures, such as root canals. Following these procedures, a tooth may be restored using a dental crown to prevent further damage. While it may seem like a minor fix, crowns actually act as a sort of dental buttress, strengthening the other teeth around it. Without a dental crown, your teeth may continue to deteriorate, prolonging the issue and possibly causing other, more serious problems, such as gum disease. In this way, a dental crown qualifies as both curative and preventative care. 

A Long-Term Solution

Dental crowns are not a mere temporary fix. Because they are custom-made to feel and act like your natural teeth, you can essentially forget about them after your first check-up and trust that they will last. In fact, dental crowns are no different than original teeth in that you can -- and should -- brush and floss them regularly. Doing this will ensure that, barring any sudden accidents, your dental crowns will last you for decades to come. If you are in need of a long-term solution for a tooth that is damaged or discolored, it is hard to do better than a custom dental crown fitted by your dentist.  
